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Fashiontech Talks: How can businesses apply fashiontech in their solutions

AEG: 22.01.2019 kell 16:30-18:00

KOHT: Tallinna Loomeinkubaator, 2. korruse avatud kontor

Lisa Lang will visit Estonia and deliver an inspirational seminar on fashiontech at Tallinn Creative Incubator. Lisa will tell us about the evolution of fashion technologies but also the key trends in fashiontech and wearable technologies now and in the future. You will also hear how can businesses apply fashiontech in their solutions and how to get started in this field. The seminar is especially recommended for students, startups and also bigger corporations operating in fashion and wearables field. Everyone else interested are also welcome to join!

Lisa Lang was European Marketing Manager at Twilio when she built her first "textable" smart jacket. After launching fashion-tech label ElektroCouture in 2014, Lang's work soon diversified into events, investing and brand consultancy. Now Lisa is also the CEO and founder of ThePowerHouse. ThePowerHouse is a consultancy agency for FashionTech, WearableTechnologies, Internet of Things (IOT), Industry 4.0 and SmartTextiles Manufacturing whichincludes a research facility, a space for designers, and an academy for fashion tech workshops. Recently Lisa was also chosen to Europe Top 50 Women in Tech by Forbes.

“It’s kind of hard to imagine life without the zipper. Think about just a simple pair of jeans. Yeah, buttons always seem like such a great idea when you are trying a new pair of button jeans in the dressing room but then two months after buying this button-crotch enclosed pair of jeans and you are trying to figure out what in the world you were thinking. Now you don’t just use zippers on jeans, they also can be found on: coats, jackets, backpacks, purses, tents, sleeping bags, suitcases and can even be found on simple plastic Ziploc bags to more specialty clothing like spacesuits, hazmat suits, and scuba diving dry suits. But the creation of the zipper was not just one invention, but a long and drawn out process.”

This is how a fashiontech visionary Lisa Lang describes how one of the most used invention – a zipper – was once also revolutionary. Read more: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/future-fashion-mobility-trend-report-innovation-through-lisa-lang/

Companies of Tallinn Creative Incubator - free
Mentors of Tallinn Creative Incubator - free
All others - 12€ (VAT inc.)

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