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Tehnopol Startup Incubator and Tallinna Loomeinkubaator/ Tallinn Creative are hosting the first ever Mad Marketing Morning – a new workshop concept where time = money.

APPLY BEFORE: 8 February!

This event is for registered participants only – 6 teams rom Tehnopol and 6 from Tallinn Creative Incubator – and maximum 2 team members per team. Please register via this link: https://fienta.com/mad-marketing-morning-with-tehnopol-and-tallinn-creative-incubator

With 4 different short workshops we will get right into business with our experts. Startups whose marketing success depends on agile marketing and communication activities, have to sometimes rethink and act fast.

Workshops will be led by:
– Kristi Jõeäär (Tehnopol): Brand and Business strategy
Argo Kubja (The Concept): Video Marketing
– Laura Kurs (Polhem PR Estonia): PR and media relations
– Marelle Ellen (Promoty): social media

The agenda for the day is:
09:30-09:45 Gathering
09.45-10:00 intro of the day
10:00-11:00 I session
11:00-12:00 II session
12:00:-12:15 Coffee break
12:15-13:15 III session
13:15-14:00 IV session

Register to Mad Marketing Morning HERE: https://fienta.com/mad-marketing-morning-with-tehnopol-and-tallinn-creative-incubator

The event is supported by Enterprise Estonia project “Loomemajanduse ettevõtete konkurentsivõime, jätkusuutlikkuse, ekspordivõimekuse ja teiste majandussektoritega koostöö arendamine 2020-2021” (EU53522).

Event participation is granted as de minimis aid to the companies.