Tallinn Creative Incubator demo area at sTARTUp Day.
3 of our startups are represented at demo area: B’MOR Studio, Koduline and Gattai.
sTARTUp Day 2020 takes place on January 29-31 in Tartu.
The business festival brings together more than 120 world class speakers and about 4000 startup-minded participants.
More information and tickets: https://www.startupday.ee/
The participation is supported by Enterprise Estonia project “Loomemajanduse ettevõtete konkurentsivõime, jätkusuutlikkuse, ekspordivõimekuse ja teiste majandussektoritega koostöö arendamine 2020-2021” (EU53522).
Event’s participation is granted as de minimis aid to the companies.