10.00-12.00 In the mentoring session we will discuss your results and continue with the sales funnel approach.
To be continued with the business model canvas you have now conducted a client survey asking feedback on at least two issues:
- What are your clients needs, how they could benefit by using your product/ service;
- Which channels your customers follow.
In the mentoring session we will discuss your results and continue with the sales funnel approach. The aim is to understand which stages are essential in achieving successful sales.
Mentor: Peeter Mark.
The seminar is for Tallinn Creative Incubator companies.
The seminar is supported by Enterprise Estonia project “Loomemajanduse ettevõtete konkurentsivõime, jätkusuutlikkuse, ekspordivõimekuse ja teiste majandussektoritega koostöö arendamine 2020-2021” (EU53522).
Seminar participation is granted as de minimis aid to the companies.