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Loomeinkubaator koostöös Läti inkubaatoriga korraldab 3. novembril veebis e-maili turunduse meistriklassi. Lisaks võimalusele saada teada rohkem e-maili turundusest, on võimalus tutvuda ka Läti inkubantidega ja saada tagasisidet oma uudiskirjadele, mis on vaja eelnevalt saata.


In this lecture, Artūrs from Efectio will share his knowledge about email marketing and other direct channels of digital marketing. He will talk more about customer engagement, retention, and loyalty. You will also hear about the most important things to consider when communicating with customers in the digital environment

• BREAK THE ICE Participants divided into groups – to introduce each other –what do you do and what is your experience with email marketing or other digital marketing direct tools
• Theoretical part
• Work in groups
• Group presentations
• Tips and tricks – How to GET email addresses?
• Q&A
• Networking at the end


Registreerimine 31. oktoobrini või kuni kohti jätkub: https://magneticinkubatori.typeform.com/to/lFDVTGXt