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How can time tracking boost your entrepreneurial success?

AEG: 20.09.2023 kell 11:00 - 12:00

KOHT: Online

In this webinar, we will dive into the essential aspects of effective time tracking.


Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting your journey, understanding how to harness the power of time can greatly impact your success.

Throughout the session, we'll explore the reasons why planning and tracking your time is crucial for achieving your goals. We'll address common pitfalls and mistakes that often hinder efficient time management. Ever wondered how to create realistic plans without overloading yourself? We'll share insights on finding the balance between productivity and well-being.

Questions, we will find answers to:

  • Why should you plan and track your time?
  • How to be persistent when time tracking does not go as planned?
  • Common mistakes when planning and tracking your time?
  • How to make realistic plans?
  • Demonstrating Toggl time tracking and reporting functionalities based on real-life examples.

The webinar participants will learn how to better organize and plan your time as an entrepreneur. 


The webinar will be hosted by Anna Makovnikova. Anna is a group product manager at Toggl and she has 24 years of experience in product management of software and personal electronics, business development and sales management, as well as partnership relations. She has also experienced building her own business and the entire product cycle with a successful launch of new products on the international markets. She has consulted companies and individuals about productivity, remote work, and management of distributed teams.


The webinar is free and will take place in Zoom. The link will be sent 1 day prior to the event to the registered people.


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