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15:00-17:00 Loomeinkubaatorit külastab Taani PR konsultant Marlo Saalmink. Marlol on pikaajaline kogemus moeajakirjanduse ja brändistrateegia valdkonnas. Teemad: bränding, visuaalne identiteet ja PR.




Fashion is in a constant state of change. It is no longer enough to simply join, you have to engage! So how do we express the importance of instant SoMe BALMAIN-IZATION. Or should we look towards sincere traditional craftsmen? Perhaps both worlds may even co-exist. Who decides wins in the end. So does the power of marketing prevail. OR can we still find MCQUEEN-like emotion in fashion?

Fashion is becoming increasingly more branded. Let’s explore this. Is this urge for globalization truly affecting our individuality? As a new graduate, one should never be without knowledge of the world that beckons. Be it LONDON’s booming menswear scene, the demise of PARISIAN couture or the truth about SCANDI-CHIC…

From understated Nordic minimalism, we shall touch upon traditional power-houses such as Paris, Milan and New York. Next to this, we visit under the radar operators such as Japan, China and LA. All together this shapes a compact journey leading us from the ‘communities’ curated by VETEMENTS or RICK OWENS, to the all devouring luxury tack of PHILLIP PLEIN; or the wisdom of the knowledgeable KARL LAGERFELD. Can we link the ideas of Mr. KENZO

TAKEDA, to the track suit warriors by GOSHA RUBCHINSKIY? And what can be said about new cultural collages by GRACE WALES BONNER, SUPREME or KOCHÉ…..

Today is about the paradigm of ‘nowness’ in the ‘fashion-world’…What is strong contemporary design, the right way to communicate it and how challenging is it to take part in this ever global industry?

There simply is no way better to begin, than by being completely fearless!!


4. veebruaril külastab Loomeinkubaatorit Taani PR konsultant Marlo Saalmink. Marlol on pikaajaline kogemus moeajakirjanduse ja brändistrateegia valdkonnas. Kell 15:00-17:00 toimub grupimentorlus Loomeinkubaatori moeettevõtetele. Teemad: bränding, visuaalne identiteet ja PR.

Grupimentorlus on mõeldud vaid Tallinna Loomeinkubaatori inkubantidele!
Osalemiseks palume registreerida hiljemalt 30.01.
Grupimentorlusel on kohti 10 ettevõttele. Osalemine on tasuta.

Eelisõigus grupimentorlusel osalemiseks on neil, kes osalevad ka “Colour, communication and branding” workshopil 04.-05.02, mille lisainfo ja registreerimine SIIN.