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The Nexperience Workshop explores how businesses can deliver memorable moments that underscore their differentiated position within their marketplace.

We will learn what defines an experience, and how the three core elements of personal expectation, past memories and emotional state, impact on your customer behaviours.

The workshop will provide insights into the creation of unique emotional brands, how to ‘nudge; customer towards behaviour change and the five styles of emotional marketing.

Through interactive discussion and brand examples, we’ll discover strategies to enhance our businesses through meaningful customer interactions.

The workshop will be carried out by Robin Hawksworth. Robin spent many years in the hospitality industry across nine countries before moving into the world of marketing. His reeducation lead him to explore the fascinating world of behavioural science and the effect that a simple psychological nudge can have on long term brand building and customer retention. There are many emotional crossovers points between hospitality and marketing, none more that the framing of value and differentiated positioning required to be successful.

The event will take place onsite in Veerenni 24C.

The event is free, but registration is requiered.

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