Kuidas affiliate turunduse abil välisturgudel müüa?
Veebiseminaril räägime, kuidas kasutada affiliate turundust ehk partnerturundust välisturgudel müügi kasvatamiseks. Affiliate turundus on tulemustele orienteeritud strateegia, kus partnerid saavad komisjonitasu iga müügi eest, mida nad aitavad genereerida, reklaamides teie tooteid või teenuseid. See meetod võimaldab jõuda uute klientideni üle maailma!
Käsitletavad teemad:
- Mis vahe on affiliate, influenceri ja brändisaadiku turundusel?
- Kuidas käivitada oma esimene affiliate või influencer kampaania?
- Affiliate ja influencer turunduse parimad praktikad
- Parimad tööriistad ja nipid
- Case study-d ja edulood
Seminari viib läbi Ettevõtlusinkubaatori mentor Enelin Toneva. Enelin on Vivian Agency asutaja, mis on globaalne affiliate ja influencer turundusagentuur. Alates 2018ndast aastast on nad töötanud koos 50+ kliendi, 8000+ influenceri ja affiliate ning toonud enda klientidele üle 12 millioni dollarit müüki.
Enelin ja tema agentuur on töötab hinnatud ettevõtetega nii USA kui Euroopa turul, klientideks on näiteks SafetyWing, Click&Grow, PrepExpert, Xolo ja paljud teised.
Seminar on tasuta, aga vajalik on registreerumine. Link saadetakse registreerunutele päev enne seminari toimumist.
Käesolev sündmus toimub projekti “Tallinna Loomeinkubaatori tugiteenused loomeettevõtjatele jätkusuutlikuks arenguks ja ekspordivõimekuse kasvuks” raames ning see on kaasrahastatatud Euroopa Liidu poolt.
Testing future-fit circular business models for the textile industry
We invite you to explore the future of textile together with organisations, experts, entrepreneurs, and visionaries in the textile and fashion industry!
During the 75-minutes online event, we will dive into topics such as the role of design, consumption, and ecosystem thinking in transitions to circular business models and engage in discussions exploring practical ways to facilitate experimentation.
This isn’t just an event; it’s a collective effort to learn together, get inspired and drive change!
Speakers and topics:
- Jenni Savander (designer and textile professional): From the consumption of fashion towards the use of clothing
Jeroen & Marcela Spoelstra-Xirinachs (designers & founders of Unbeaten Studio & Life-Centered Design School): How to understand the ecosystem of a textile product
- Łucja Wanicka (manager at AFRY): How circularity is being addressed in the fibre production step – and the link it has to end-of-life textiles
This event is part of the Baltic Second-Hand project, aimed at helping organisations in the fashion and textile industry in Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia to enhance their circular business models and services.
Event is online and FREE, but registration is requiered:
REGISTER HERE: https://forms.office.com/e/3Q78hQ5kdf
From Waste to Wow: Textile waste innovations
The European Union produces around 12.6 million tonnes of textile waste each year with clothing and footwear accounting for 5.2 million tonnes, which is equivalent to 12 kg of waste per person annually.
Greenful is a company that offers a practical solution to the issue of recycling textile waste. They produce a range of eco-friendly products using textile waste such as wall panels, decorative boards, structural insulated panels, and paving bricks. These products are characterized by their world-class innovation in the utilization of waste to create top-quality construction materials.
During the webinar, the founder of Greenful, Toomas Allikas, will share his experience and insights on how he built up the company by creating products from textile waste.
What we will be hearing during the webinar:
- What products does Greenful offer?
- Where did the idea for Greenful come from?
- How long has Greenful been active, and how is the company doing?
- What are the challenges that Greenful has faced?
- What has been Greenful’s biggest success?
- The bigger picture of the textile waste problem and the solutions to it.
- Suggestions to companies regarding textile waste.
Toomas Allikas is a visionary entrepreneur, currently on a mission to solve the European textile waste problem with his company Greenful. Greenful exists to solve a critical problem — the global mismanaged textile waste problem that stubbornly evaded a sustainable solution — until Toomas Allikas created one when experimenting with different materials in a climate-KIC program. Greenful dedicates all their effort into providing innovative products, ethically sourced, and with minimal impact to the environment.
The webinar is organized by Baltic2Hand project. The project is funded by an Interreg Central Baltic Programme 2021-2027 project that is co-funded by the European Union. Partners in the project: Tallinn Creative Incubator, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Sustainability InnoCenter.