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Tartu Loomemejanduskeskuse üritus
HackThatFashion Workshop: Tools for Sustainable Fashion
Date: Wednesday March 1st, 2023
Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm CET
Where: Via Zoom – register here: https://bit.ly/htftools
About the Workshop:
In this workshop you will learn more about the HackThatFashion project and how you can benefit from it, as well as join a collaborative session in which you can acquire and test different tools for sustainable fashion.
By using the HackThatFashion Sustainability Toolkit, which contains a set of 16 different tools, you can take simple and measurable steps to further integrate sustainable approaches into your business.
To help get you even more inspired, we will be joined by Liis Tiisvelt, founder of the Estonian sustainable and carefree brand iLLIMOR (https://www.illimor.com/), who will discuss finding the right balance between a comfortable design, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility
We look forward to welcoming you! Please spread the word!
About the HackThatFashion:
HackthatFashion – Synergies for a sustainable fashion sector
HackThatFashion is a cross-sectoral platform where the fashion industry will connect with the technology and innovation industry at carefully curated hackathons and matchmaking sessions.
Through learning and applying design thinking methods and tools, fashion designers will be supported to practice and build concrete results towards technology and sustainability integration and adoption.
HTF is looking for fashion designers and small and medium fashion companies in Europe interested in participating.
The HackThatFashion journey is led by an experienced team from different European countries: Envolve Entrepreneurship (Greece), business and innovation experts; IED Istituto Europeo di Design (Spain), fashion and design experts; and Tartu Centre for Creative Industries (Estonia), creative industries experts. By joining the programme, participants from all over Europe will be able to improve their capacities in two main areas: first, the coherent use of digital technology, and second, the effective use of more sustainable practices.
For Further Details and Contact: https://hackthatfashion.eu/