Tallinn Creative Incubator organized international Export Speed Mentoring

International Export Speed Mentoring on the 27th of May, was a one-day event that brought together designers and mentors from Estonia, Sweden, Poland, and Germany to support the Baltic Sea Region young fashion brands enter new markets and learn about circular principles.
Export Speed Mentoring was a pilot event, which was initiated and organized by Tallinn Creative Incubator as part of a Creative Ports project. The project was executed in cooperation with Hamburg Kreativ Gesellshaft (Germany), Westpomeranian Region (Poland), Media Dizain (Poland), and Media Evolution (Sweden).
The event took place in Zoom and gathered 22 young fashion brands from Germany, Poland, Sweden, and Estonia, who were mentored by 21 mentors. Within 4 hours, young fashion brands got individual mentoring from fashion experts from three different markets and advice from circular design consultants. Among the fashion experts were fashion agents, business owners, creative directors, producers and managers, fashion festival directors, etc.
Prior to the mentoring sessions, all participants got inspiration from Irbe Smite (Gateway&Partners) and Kadi Kenk (Let’s Do it Foundation). Export consultant Irbe Smite shared her experience of working with young fashion brands that are entering foreign markets. Kadi Kenk explained why brands today should reconsider their business models and adopt circular principles.
Irbe Smite (Gateway&Partners) Kadi Kenk (Let’s Do it Foundation)
In addition to mentoring sessions, the program also hosted three speakers, who shared their internationalization experiences and success stories to inspire and encourage others to reach their goals. The speakers included Kriss Soonik from Kriss Soonik Loungerie (Estonia), Elena Gasulla Tortajada from Libre Style (Poland), and Jula Holtzheimer and Anna Bronowsk from Jan N June (Germany).
Kriss Soonik Elena Gasulla Tortajada Jula Holtzheimer and Anna Bronowsk
The event was a success and a total of 84 mentoring sessions took place!
Participant feedback:
“Great mentors and very professional and precise advice! Exporting is all about making a decision, a plan and lots of action! Every market has its own face and specifics. Talk to people!”
“Thank you for this occasion to talk to experts „out there“ – it opened my mind to several steps I have to take, things I need to change – shortly and first of all: to get out of the comfort zone!”
“A day filled with inspiration, knowledge and generous people letting us in on their stories. Good contacts and talks. Super!”
Nele Plutus and Margaret Aidla from Tallinn Creative Incubator thank all the participants for joining and hope to see many more international experience sharing Export Speed Mentorings in the years to come!