10:00-12:30 Yasmine Khater is a sales storytelling coach based in Singapore who works with senior leaders on how to become more persuasive storyteller.

Storytelling is a powerful marketing tool that helps to connect your business with your audience. In the workshop we will focus on how to create engaging, habit-forming brand stories that entertain, influence & sell. Engaging brand stories get you to stand out, eliminate confusion and become the preferred choice so you can close more sales. During the workshop the following topics will be covered:
- The basics of storytelling
- Brain science and trust creation
- 9 components of a brand story
Yasmine Khater is a sales storytelling trainer/coach based in Singapore who works with senior leaders on how to become more persuasive storyteller. She is an award-winning business + marketing strategist, psychologist and TEDx speaker. Please see more: http://yasminekhater.com/
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