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If there’s one thing to be sure about in the business world, it’s that in order to attract an audience and turn them into customers, you’re going to need a strong brand identity. It is increasingly difficult to stand out and express yourself in a crowded world. A good brand should not only allow people to remember who you are but communicate your entire essence, history, and values-all at once.

At the seminar, we will talk about the basics of brand identity and trends in both marketing and presentation, bringing practical examples from both film and startup worlds.

Branding helps to define you in detail to your audience: what do you do and what do you do differently? We’ll look at how a personal brand has started to play a role behind a product-service brand, and look at examples from life itself, both good and bad. How to make a personal brand work for you to win jobs and create value to your brand or career?

Additionally, we introduce the brand’s archetypes and give examples from the film world

This seminar is organised in collaboration with PÖFF and is part of PÖFF Black Room training programme. 

The speaker is Karen K Burns, business mentor at the Tallinn Creative Incubator.

Karen is an entrepreneur with an international background, having worked in the UK, the Middle East and the Republic of South Africa, in both the public and private sectors. Karen has held various positions in both British Telecom and the UK healthcare sector. Later continued her career in the United Arab Emirates, working in advertising and working on Hollywood A Class films. Karen currently lives in Estonia and is the co-founder and manager of Visory.ai.

NB! Event is free, registration is required!
All who have registered will receive a link to view the seminar right before the start of the event. 

This seminar is supported within the project “Loomemajanduse ettevõtete konkurentsivõime, jätkusuutlikkuse, ekspordivõimekuse ja teiste majandussektoritega koostöö arendamine 2020-2021” (EU53522). Participation in the seminar is considered as de minimis aid to the participating companies.