At the CiD project meeting in Genoa, the structure of the project’s study programmes and accelerator was finalized

13. juuli 2024

The CiD project meeting in Genoa, held June 12th-14th 2024, has been a significant gathering of partners collaborating to define guidelines for Academic, Continuous Education and Accelerator courses. It took place at the Architecture and Design Department of the University of Genoa, in a beautiful setting overlooking the roof garden of the historical university building. 

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CCC cities refine their business incubation pilots in Aarhus

13. juuni 2024

From 4 to 6 June the municipality of Aarhus in cooperation with Lifestyle and Design Cluster hosted the second workshop of the “Creative Circular Cities” project – a Business Lab. During the Lab the six cities taking part in the project – Aarhus, Gdynia, Kiel, Riga, Tallinn and Turku – refined their business incubation pilots for facilitating CCSI-supported circular business models. 

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Greenful Journey: Crafting a Greener Future from Textile Waste

16. apr 2024

In the context of the BALTIC2HAND project, Tallinn Creative Incubator organized a webinar, where Toomas Allikas, who has led Greenful Group as CEO, recounted the company’s journey, and dived into the staggering figures of global textile waste problem.

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Cities present their plans in the CCC kick-off event in Riga 

12. märts 2024

In the CCC project kick-off event in Riga the six demo cities involved in the project – Aarhus, Gdynia, Kiel, Riga, Tallinn and Turku – presented their initial plans for activities during the project. 

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