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Tallinn Business Incubator participates in various international projects aimed at supporting business growth, export and the transition to a circular economy.

Currently, there are 6 international projects underway, with collaborators from Finland, Latvia, Sweden, Poland, Denmark, Spain, and Italy.


The aim of the Baltic2Hand project is to support the reuse of textiles and reduce textile waste by developing business models for second-hand enterprises. The project partners come from Finland, Sweden, Latvia, and Estonia.

In addition to the Tallinn Business Incubator, the project partners include Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sustainability InnoCenter, and Turku University of Applied Sciences.
The project runs from 01.04.2023 to 01.04.2026.

The project is co-financed by the Interreg Central Baltic program.

Creative Circular Cities

In the Creative Circular Cities project, local governments, business support organizations, and non-governmental organizations in six demo cities showcase how the cultural and creative sectors and industries can amplify the growth of circular businesses and promote circular consumption among people.

Partners from six demo cities participate in the project: Aarhus (DK), Kiel (DE), Gdynia (PL), Riga (LV), Tallinn (EE), and Turku (FI).

The project runs from 01.11.2023 to 31.10.2026.
The project is funded 80% by the EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region program, with a total budget of approximately four million euros.


The CiD project is led by 11 partners across Europe to develop innovation in research and training activities in the fields of urbanism, architecture, and product and service design. The main themes are a new vision of circular economy design, urban change towards climate neutrality, and bio-innovation for the renovation wave.

This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) under grant agreement number 101111686.

The project runs from 01.09.2023 to 31.08.2026.


The CreativeGPS project supports creative professionals in navigating the job market. The skills development program enhances participants’ abilities to manage their careers through essential soft skills and entrepreneurial opportunities in a non-traditional environment.

80% of the CreativeGPS project’s budget comes from the Interreg Central Baltic program, with the remaining 20% contributed by project partners.

The project partners include Tallinn Business Incubator, Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture Secretariat, and Trade Union for Art and Culture Professionals TAKU.
The project runs from 01.01.2024 to 30.06.2025.

Tallinn Creative Incubator Support Services for Sustainable Development and Export Capacity Growth of Creative Entrepreneurs

The aim of the “Tallinn Creative Incubator Support Services for Sustainable Development and Export Capacity Growth of Creative Entrepreneurs” project is to develop the knowledge and skills of both new and existing creative entrepreneurs.

The goal is to enhance the competitiveness and export capabilities of creative entrepreneurs by providing them with effective, high-quality support services tailored to the needs and specifics of the target group.

The project runs from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2025.