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Business Finland in collaboration with Enterprise Estonia, Innovation Norway, and Investment and Development Agency of Latvia is organizing a 2-day event themed Circular Economy in the New Nordics – creating international growth through cooperation.


During this online event participants are offered insights into the future of circularity, ecosystem building-thinking and more practical opportunities for company-pitching and B2B-meetings aiming at forming possible future co-innovation partnerships. All participating countries have different expertise in the sectors of wood and textile and as such a joint platform for planning, forming and strengthening of cooperations is offered through this event.

Read more and register: https://www.businessfinland.fi/en/whats-new/events/2020/circular-economy-in-the-new-nordics—creating-international-growth-through-cooperation/



13:30 Welcome
How to benefit from circular thinking
Keynote: Ecosystem collaboration and bringing circularity into the region – Kari Herlevi – Project Director, Circular Economy Sitra

Panel discussion: Circularity in the New Nordics
Moderator Gry K. Langbakk – Innovation adviser, Innovation Norway
Kerli Kvant Haas – Founder and CEO, Revualate
Cathrine Barth – Managing partner, Nordic Circular Hotspot
Dagnija Blumberga – RTU professor, Institute of Energy Systems and Environment, Latvia
Tim Forslund – Specialist, Circular economy, Sitra

Q&A, conclusions


15:00 Creating added value through cooperation and ecosystem building
Moderator Ilmari Absetz, Program Director of Bio and Circular Economy, Business Finland
Aiming to design away the fossil-based society through an ecosystem of regional produce and know-how – Tone Berge, Architect MNAL, Bioregion Institute
Developing innovation Hub for High Value-Added Products from Local Biomass Resources  Roberts Rotbergs, Latvian Institute of Environmental Solutions
Collaboration and ecosystem building – Kaisa Hansen, New Entprepreneurship & Startup Center Manager, TalTech University
CLIC innovation: ecosystem building in energy, circular and bioeconomy – Jatta Jussila, CEO, CLIC Innovation

16:30 End of Day 1



09:00-10:00 Company pitching session
Sign up to present your company’s offering!

10:00-12:00 Panel discussions on value chains

10:00 Industrial wood construction value chains
Moderator Gatis Zamurs – Executive Director, Latvian Wood Construction Cluster
Margus Siilik – Founder, Okkastyle OÜ
Mikelis Putrams – Founder, Made Arhitekti
Kristine Nore – CEO, OmTRE AS
Juha Sojakka – CEO, Siparila

11:00 Circular textile value chains
Moderator Kerli Kvant Haas – Founder & CEO, Revaluate
Ragnhild Nordhagen – Designer & Product Developer, GU
Frode Svarstad – Quality Director, GU
Pernille Stolze –Textile designer, Flokk
Gatis Ginters – Head of Business development LSEZ, Liepaja
Reet Aus – Founding Partner, Upmade and Aus Design
Ali Harlin – Research Professor, VTT (Technical Research Center of Finland)


13:15-16:15 B2B meetings



Ms. Veera Koskinen

veera.koskinen (at) businessfinland.fi

+358 50 476 9929