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Virtual – A hands-on approach of exploring virtual fashion use cases as a door opener to many of the challenges facing the fashion industry today.

01 Virtual development during the last years – what has changed?
Hypothesis: Now is the time to apply virtual fashion for improving sustainability, customer experience and loyalty.

02 Status Quo – what is the status of virtual fashion engagement by brands?
Hypothesis: PR stunts don’t create a virtual fashion fundament.

03 Insights – Virtuall’s approach to manage the ecosystem of virtual fashion use cases
Hypothesis: Explorative trial and error is needed to find a customized approach for a brand’s virtual fashion use cases.
Hypothesis: Virtual fashion uses cases require constant monitoring and engagements.

Language: English

Registration here: https://magneticinkubatori.typeform.com/to/j1mcOKT0

ZOOM link will be send out to all registered participants before the event.