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In difficult times, it’s important to be creative and make sure your company’s business model stays sustainable. We aim to do the same and hold the seminar on a webinar format!! 🙌

Tallinna Loomeinkubaator/ Tallinn Creative and Tehnopol Startup Incubator are hosting a workshop on how to transform your business with circular economy.

In the workshop we will focus on sustainable development goals & trends and go after solutions that are applicable in your business model. The workshop is led by Jaap Zandbergen, mentor at HighTech XL Eindhoven and coach at Horizon2020 EASME Brussels.

In this webinar you will learn about:
– Sustainable development framework now and in 2030
– Applied practices across diverse business models
– Cooperation with other players in the field
– How to turn the main challenges into opportunities

The agenda for the day:
10.00 – 12.00 Webinar
12.00 – 12.30 Online Q&A

Please register your participation.

The webinar is supported by Enterprise Estonia project “Loomemajanduse ettevõtete konkurentsivõime, jätkusuutlikkuse, ekspordivõimekuse ja teiste majandussektoritega koostöö arendamine 2020-2021” (EU53522).

Webinar participation is granted as de minimis aid to the companies.